
Walking for weight loss!

Starting a weight loss journey can be overwhelming! Figuring out where to start or what to do can be stressful enough to make many people give up before they even begin. My best piece of advice for those beginning and feeling overwhelmed is to KEEP IT SIMPLE, and just start stepping!

Walking is considered low-intensity steady-state cardio, also known as LISS. LISS is any form of cardio exercise where you are able to maintain the same level of low-intensity pace for a set period of time. It is perfect for those new to fitness. It will help you establish the routine of daily movement without having to have a gym membership.

There are so many benefits to LISS but these are the top 5 reasons I recommend starting with it or adding it to your already established fitness routine:


When you train at a lower intensity more oxygen is available to your body. To be broken down, fat needs oxygen, so the more oxygen you can give your body, the more fat you can burn.


Low impact and low intensity make this style of working out perfect for all fitness levels. Typically the recommended time for a LISS session is 40-60 minutes, but you can slowly work your way up to that time. If you are just starting you can even break it up into smaller walks throughout the day. I always say 10 minutes of movement is better than ZERO!


Low impact workout that will increase the blood flow to your muscles. This will help with the sore and stiff feelings that come with harder training sessions. I always recommend that my client add LISS sessions between their strength training sessions. We do 3 strength sessions a week in the Goddess Squad program and 2 to 3 LISS sessions a week!


LISS is not a high-intensity workout so it will help you lower your cortisol levels and increase your endorphins. I even encourage clients to walk with no music or phone, just walk and be with their own thoughts. I use this time to calm my mind and organize my thoughts and business plans. It was hard to not bring my phone for the first few weeks (not gonna lie!) but now I look forward to the alone time.


You can literally do this anywhere, it’s the ultimate “no excuses workout”, and it takes zero equipment. I have even gotten a walk during a layover between flights on a long travel day!

The only investment you are making with LISS is your time. Walking each day will help you establish the routine, see the benefits and when you are ready you can start adding more changes to your lifestyle. Check out my blog post on 4 Simple Healthy Lifestyle Habits you can add (also, with no cost) to your LISS routine!


If you are ready to take your health and wellness to the next level you can join one of my awesome Warrior Goddess Fitness programs through my app! If you are new to the fitness world and are looking for the perfect place to start you can enroll in my Goddess Foundations program that begins the 1st Monday of every month!

If you have a strong foundation in your health and wellness you can join the Goddess Squad membership program in my app.

You can find more information on the programs here: WARRIOR GODDESS FITNESS and always feel free to comment or message me with any questions!